The beginning
Hello, you're probably wondering how we came up with the idea of holding our own convention. The core of the team consists of friends who share the passion for Japan and its culture and who often celebrate it with themed weekends.
Since Carina works at a castle, after attending a few conventions we had the idea that it would be the ideal setting for a convention. We are familiar with some mangas and animes that are set in the Middle Ages and thought a goblin slayer, state alchemist or dragon slayer would fit well in castle Oberkapfenberg.
The mission
So we got down to work. Held meetings snacking sushi and hearing anime themes. We organized artists, speakers and dealers, looked for sponsors and made a homepage.
Now there is only one thing missing for a great event and that is you. No matter how much time and sweat you put into something, without the right people it won't work, so please help us to make this event unique.
Carina Gruber
aka Ajumie
Event Koordinatorin
Michéle Sommerauer
aka Mishka
Design and decoration
aka LinaLee
Claudia Thonhofer
Design and decoration
Martin Pucher
aka PuMa
Antonia Braschel
aka Bowsie